Gerlaine 4 Real

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Take Free MIT Classes Online

Posted by RevLaurenG - Queen of Forgiveness on February 10, 2009

I found this online a little while ago and I thought this would be a perfect morning post.  Free Coursework from MIT on the screen, as over my right hand shoulder my son does his homework, because I failed to get him to sit down and do his homework before it got to late.

You see, it is I who failed him.  I am the adult and I should have been on it.  He is only 10 years old.  Which won’t be an excuse very soon.  Because he is darn near a preteen which happens earlier in the life of boys these days.

Anyhow, back to the Free MIT Coursework.  Like, I said I found this a year or so ago and thought that it was the coolest thing.  Education can be obtained if you really want it.  You may not get the degree from this coursework, but you get the knowledge that no man can take from you.  And that makes you so much more valuable.  Here is the shortened link:

Here’s to your value.

I always try to bring a little bit of value to your life.  If you want to take part in that value then subscribe to the RSS feed.  I will be here as long as WordPress lasts.  Don’t hesitate to comment below.  I appreciate you.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. ~Unknown


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